So guys this is just a quick post to tell you about the recent Adventure Entries I've posted.
Pro Tip: Never schedule 4 posts that are supposed to be on certain days when you are tired. You will end up failing.
Entry 13 was supposed to be the first one I posted, but it just barely got posted today. Entry 14 was called Entry 13, Entry 15 was called Entry 14 and Entry 15 was nonexistent. Also Entry 16 was posted before any of these. So yeah you can safely say I messed it up. HOWEVER it is all fixed, thank you so much for you patience and I apologize for all the confusion.
In·de·fat·i·ga·ble (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Entry 16
Kitchens always soothe me. I love the messy organised jumble of it all. The smells and the memories of baking cookie pies an cakes.
I love the ability to turn simple ingredients into melt-on-your-tongue chocolate chip cookies, into fudge and hot apple pie. Into soups and spaghetti, pizza and pancakes and scones.
Some of my dearest memories are of tea in the kitchen with my eldest sister Abi, listening to instrumental music and soundtracks with my second eldest sister Ellie, arguing good naturedly and goofing around with another elder sister Mia.
Singing Fidler on the Roof and Les Miserables with my sisters and best friends.
Chatting and occasionally crying to mum.
Scrubbing floors on my hands and knees.
Washing dishes till my hands are pruned.
Singing to my hearts content like I'm the only person around- which is usually the case.
The kitchen is my little haven. Its yellow and white and wooden.
Clean counters, cluttered spice cabinets, flour covered aprons and licking sugar off fingers.
Mixing and testing making omething beautiful.
The magic of a kitchen.
Getting to know a kitchen is much like getting to know a person. Its always a bit messy, you never remember where things go and end up opening drawers and cupboards best left unopened.
But once you know a kitchen, it is amazing. A friendship is born and good things are made. Delicious foods and some not-so-good-mistakes happen, but no matter what, the kitchen and that person are your friends for life.
Even if you leave the kitchen and come back a long time later, having forgotten where everything goes, the mistakes are more amusing than awkward, as they were before.
As I sit here, basking in melancholy and nostalgia, counting the hours till I see Mia again, anticipating the surprise of my siblings at her unexpected advent, I feel supremely happy. Happy and also sad in a way I simply cannot express.
Oh what to do with me?
Mum comes downstairs and says,
“Sometimes I think you belong in a bakery in Paris. Sipping your tea and lookin out over- whatever river or lake they have in France.”
We laugh at this and I turn up the soundtrack to Amilé that I have been listening to. Its Parisian sounding music thrumming and twinkling around the kitchen making my feet itch to dance.
I sit on the barstool and look out the window to the dusty street and smile.
“One day…” I murmer. “One day I will.”
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Entry 15
I’m supposed to be organizing the bookshelf as my after supper job.
It's a mess. Maybe if I make the kids take care of their own books and stop looking at it, it will magically clean itself up?
“Aaanniieeee!!!?!” I yell.
“Guys!” Bridget wails, her tone rising in pitch. “Help!”
“What is it?” I ask.
“There’s a daddy-long-leg on my wall!” She says.
“Oh good grief, just get rid of it.” I say, annoyed.
“I can’t!” She whines
“Then find someone else who will!”
She shudders. “Beeeckyyyyy??!?”
“Bridget, I let daddy-long-legs crawl on me arm!” Rachel informs her. “I let tarantulas- well, not tarantulas. But I let bugs crawl on my arm!”
“I’m not you!” Bridget protests.
I go back to the bookshelf. It's still a mess.
I'll do it later.
I go to my bed to finish math instead.
“I remember Abi never liked spiders.” Peter says, passing through. “It was the only thing I could do to scare her.” He laughs. Then: “Hey where’s the mosquito stuff? I just had it out!”
I shrug and return to decimals.
Decimals were invented by bored old men who used to be presidents.
They wanted to leave calling cards for their unwilling successors to remember them by.
Except no one remembers them now because decimals are so complicated and boring everyone is too busy sleeping or banging their heads on trees to pay attention.
And thus the Society of Concerned Tree Lovers was born and all math abolished until the end of time,
The End.
“Oh yeah the mosquito stuff is in the window sill!” I yell at Peter.
“Which one?”
“The one closest to the kitchen I think!”
“Oh yeah, I see it.”
“Sorry for losing your charger.” Isaac exclaims in a moderate tone.
“You didn’t lose it, it was upstairs!”
Isaac opens his mouth and eyes wide. He actually looks cute
“I don't know how it got up there. I didn't do it,”
“I didn't do it either!” He exclaims.
“I know. And thanks, Izy” (pronounced eye-zee) “for letting me beat you up! It was the highlight of my day.” (don't worry, I didn't actually beat him up. mostly. I'll let you figure it out)
He lean against the bed with an air of self-importance.
“You're welcome.” He says.
(The following is a snippet of conversation from my siblings. If you can understand it, you have earned my undying respect.)
“Ask you may I please. Okay I did it!” Isaac whines.
“Can you ask me to waeheaha!”
“Werherherherheeeeeer!” Isaac whinily exclaims.
“Can you ask me to waeheaha?” Bridget says.
It goes on like this for a looong day.
“Ophelia you are a skug! You know how to escape from our legs now.” Rachel says.
“Yeah Cyrano is a skug too!” Exclaims Isaac.
“You kitty-cat! She’s falling asleep!” She pulls the cat into a standing position with her paws. “Believe! I know it sounds like a kitty poster, but it’s true.” She says
I literally LOL.
“What?” Rachel demands.
“You actually quoted that.” I laugh.
Something hard bumps my arm and flies into the yellow bowl.
Cyrano promptly tries to eat it, and it flies away.
It bumps around the room quite a bit before landing on Becky's arm and Peter notices it.
He kills it.
“Peter, can we play the Peter Game?” Isaac asks (in exclamation).
“Hey Esther, can we play the Esther game?” He ask.
“Nuh uh.”
“Its called the Womans Game.” Bridget says.
“Hey Esther can we play-”
“You mean the Daddy Game?” I ask.
“Women can’t play the Daddy Game, only Daddy’s.”
“Then play the extended version!” Bridget yells brightly.
“How about the Game Esther Plays With the Twerps?!”
“Anne what are you doing?” Peter asks.
“Getting ready the movie mom said we could watch.” Anne replies.
“Are you grumpy?” He asks
“No,” Anne says, in a normal voice.
“Are they done talking yet?”
“No.” She says in a grumpy voice. “I didn’t hear everything they were talking about. Why does this top one not work?!”
“Because it's cheap and terrible like everything in Nicaragua.” Peter jokes. “Including this family. Just kidding.”
He and Anne laugh.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Entry 14
Mum is rubbing the knots of tight muscles out of my neck. Gosh they build up quick.
Meg is talking non-stop.
“This is nineteent, mom.”
“Yeah.” She wanders over to me. “What is thirty-ninety?” She asks
“Um.. I don't know.” I tell her, to which she says
“Its sixteent!!” As if its obvious.
“Oohh.” I return. “Of course.” Then she points to my shirt.
“Whehw is it on thehw? Find it.” She demands, just like a proper school teacher. I glance down at my shirt.
Its black with the eleventh Doctor’s silhouette and the words he says to Amy:
“All of time and space, anywhere and everywhere, every star that ever was- where do you want to start?”
“Uhhhh, I dunno.” I say, just like a proper(ly bored) student.
She points to the swirly S in start.
I frown, and then nod sagely.
“Oh yeah!”
Isaac runs out to the bread man.
“Hola chiquito!” He says, “¿Como estas?” (hello, little boy! How are you?)
“Bien! ¿Y tu?” Isaac exclaims. (Good! And you?)
Then Rachel comes out with a drink of water for the man.
“Buenas!” He says, followed by “Gracias.”
Rachel, Meg, Isaac and Dad are all buying bread- ten cordobas (about 30 cents) a loaf. We usually buy six loaves for French toast in the morning.
“Adios!” is exchanged and the bread man leaves.
We are eating dinner- watermelon, stinky feet cheese, homemade tortilla chips, guacamole, leftover rice with eggs and bacon. I am in the midst of putting guacamole on chips when-
The power goes off.
“Well, would you look at that.” I say, amidst groans and other exclamations of annoyance.
“I'll get the candles.” Rachel says.
I fumble in the dark till I reach my phone and then I go back to eating.
I dislike stopping in the middle of anything, but especially eating.
The kids return soon after with candles and flashlights.
“Heh!” Becky laughs, “We all run around and Esther just sits there and eats!”
“Nuh uh! I got my flashlight first!” I laugh back.
A while into dinner and the lights return.
“Well would you look at that.” I say.
Meg is singing a mournful dirge now, and I don't remember what happens next, as I forgot to write it so that is where this will end.
Entry 13
(Note: No animals or ears were harmed in the writing of this entry…
(also, this is more of a collection of random events from the day instead of a story)
I frantically write down the story idea I just got from my dream.
“I’m Jess, pleased to meet you.” He says, sticking out his hand.
“Pleased to meet you too.” Alisha says, and smiles slightly. His hand is cool, he has a firm grip. His fingers are long- just like the rest of his limbs. Heavens he’s tall.
Mira smiles sweetly,
“Well, I think-” her phone starts ringing. It's the theme song from Poldark. “Sorry guys.” She says and then walks a few feet away and starts talking into her phone.
“Hey Brody! I-”
Jess clears his throat, and Alisha turns her gaze up up up to his face, letting Mira fade into the background.
Alisha pushes her bangs behind her ear and hopes this isn’t as awkward for Jess as it is for her. She bites her bottom lip and makes her eyes go wide and loop around the room just for something to do.
Jess laughs outright.
“I know, right?” He says genially. “I don't know what to say either.”
I am just getting back to my prayer time when I look up at Annie on her bunk bed. She is grabbing Ophelia by the scruff of her neck.
“Anne!” I yell, “Be nice to Ophelia!”
She looks at me and says,
“She needs to know that we- that us- that the Eckstine's are bosses, not cats.” She leans in close to Ophelia’s face.
“We’re the boss!” She says. “Okay, Ophelia? We’re the bosses!”
“Anne, it's like Fin: ‘I'm in charge now! I'm in charge, Phasma, I'm in charge!’” I laugh.
She shakes Ophelia gently,
“Yeah Ophelia, I'm in charge now!” Then she sets her down on the barstool by the bed on the floor.
As Anne passes gets down and passes me, I hold my breath and pretend to be dead.
She doesn't notice.
“Anne! I was being dead over here and you didn't he notice!”
“Oh.” She says over her shoulder. “Woops.”
“I do that a lot. I just pretend to be dead. If I really died just randomly you guys wouldn't notice for 24 hours.” I observe somewhat blithely.
“I know!” Anne says.
“No, nachamama! Nachamama, Ophelia! Hey, will you be still, or do have to hold you and kiss you. And call you Ophelia?”
Ophelia mews.
“Okay! I guess I have to hold you and kiss you and call you Ophelia.” I hear exaggerated kissing sounds.
“Oh look a cockroach.” Anne says.
“Where?” Becky says, looking down from her bunk bed.
“Is it alive or dead?” Mum asks from the kitchen.
Isaac comes in to exclaim and get rid of it.
“Aw Anne look!” Becky says, “She's being so cute! Get up here and look! She's just laying in my hands! Ophelia, are you tired now? Tired from all that running around? And sleeping in the morning?! Bazooka Jane would never do that.”
Ophelia mews in protest.
“Say please. Say please Ophelia.” Then to Anne: “I make her meow and then I put her down.” She then sets Ophelia down.
“There’s only a slight malfunction.” Bridget says in her fake British accent.
Oh goody.
Playing Star Wars yet again.
Not that that is a bad thing.
It is Star Wars after all.
Peter comes up to Meg on the top bunk, growling and roaring.
“Noooo!!!! Petehl you're scawing me!”
“Oh I'm sorry.” he says.
“Yo sowy?”
“Yes, for scaring you.”
“Fo scawing me?”
She leans down and hugs Peter around his neck.
“I wuv yo!” She says and then answers herself. “I wuv yo too! Can I kiss yo fowhead?”
I glance over just in time to see her pucker her lips and kiss Peter's forehead.
I nearly died of adorableness overload.
I go to the living room where greetings are thrown this way and that in proper spanglish fashion.
“Buenos dias!”
“Buenos dias.”
“Cywano! Do not escape!” Meg say sternly.
“Run for your life!” I call
“Quick Cyrano, bite ‘er then run!” Peter says.
“Stawp escaping!” Meg says.
“Hey Cyrano! Password!” Peter grins and Cyrano promptly licks Meg’s leg.
“There Margaret, now you have to put him down. He did the password.”
Meg doesn't answer us and gets off her chair holding the bunny. She puts the furry animal on the chair and picks up the chair and carries it away.
“Meg, he's gonna escape.” I tell her.
Then Cyrano escapes.
Meg chases him around for a while and gets extremely annoyed when he goes behind a chair.
“Cywano!” She cries.
“Be nice to that bunny.” dad says.
Peter and Becky laugh quietly as they watch Rachel play with Ophelia. Mum listens as Paul talks about a priest in a nearby town. Bridget lounges and frowns as if thinking very hard about something. Dad is getting his praise and worship songs ready for prayers. Meg sits with Cyrano, Isaac is playing something in the corner. Paul and Ms. Bing sit with their baby in a stroller, Douglas and Ninoska share a couch, and I sit in this corner, rocking and writing this all.
I see Ezekiel going to Isaac with a scorpion.
“Isaac!” He says it like ee-sack.
I swat at a fly by my head.
“Look he has a scorpion!!” Guess Who exclaims.
“Isaac, anything he does is not cool, just because he does it.” Peter says drily and we laugh.
“Hey Isaac, make it bite him!” I tease.
“It can't sting it can only bite.”
“I know, that's why I said bite not sting.”
Just now Meg runs up.
“Petehl! Thews a scohpian!!”
Peter gasps in mock astonishment.
“Its ginowmus!”
“That big??”
Then she tells me almost the same thing. I add a few screams to make it scarier. Then she keeps walking slowly to me and whispering “scorpion” while I flourish a new scream at the end of each.
“Esthew!! We found a fwog!”
I scream.
“Do you wike baby fwogs?” She ask,
“No!” I yell.
She walks off, as if I’m a lost cause.
Probably am.
Peter and Rachel are gutting and scaling fish.
“I don't want to get cwoser to dose scawy eyes.” Meg says.
“Are you gonna do a fish?” Rachel asks.
“Dunno. I’m gonna have to cook ‘em so hopefully not.”
“You?” Rachel and Peter ask incredulously.
“Well I am lunch person. Aaand I’m a perfecook. Rachel sighs, partly annoyed and partly amused.
We’re watching the Lego Movie- MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER BTW.
For some reason my siblings don’t see t as that great.
“Come with me if you wanna not die!”
(just had to add this tiny entry. BECAUSE THE LEGO MOVIE HELLO.)
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
So I am going to be SUPER busy in the upcoming weeks cuz my sistah is getting married, and I will be getting that ready and I don't know how much internet time I will get, so this is a supah quick post to let you know that IF I DON'T ANSWER YOUR COMMENTS THIS IS WHY.
I have scheduled some Adventure Entries for y'all since you seem to enjoy them!! I'll try to be back and commenting on all your blogs very soon, but until then,
I have scheduled some Adventure Entries for y'all since you seem to enjoy them!! I'll try to be back and commenting on all your blogs very soon, but until then,
Saturday, September 16, 2017
AN INTERVIEW (that I totally did not bribe anyone into doing) + an announcement that I mentioned before but I'll say it again.
(in case you were wondering, the header thingy right there above these words is a picture of Lizzy because for a while Rae had a picture of Lizzy as her profile picture and I still think of her as Lizzy sometimes??
And Mrs. Bennet looking sane because that is basically who I am.
(except the sane part, obviously.)
So folks, THIS be the real post that happened when I asked the darling Ms. Rae about 3094 too many questions.

oh don't give me that blank look, Steven. You know I'm right.
AND WHILE WE'RE ON THE TOPIC OF STEVENS I actually don't know anyone named Steven. So yeah, if you know a Steven, or you ARE a Steven, let us get acquainted so I can mark that off my bucket list.
Just kidding that isn't on my bucket list.
But you know what is??
-I want to go to Chicago. Visit Hyde Park, and look at museums and stuff and basically Blue Balliot has made me add something to the bucket list I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I HAD, SO. I MEAN BASICALLY SHE'S BRILLIANT AND READ ALLL HER BOOKS A-S-A-P.
(so is that actually said a-s-a-p when it's spelled like asap, or do people just say ay-sap. I DUNNNO BROOO)
That's some awfully deep thinking in those parenthesis.
Don't let me do that again.
(Note: my questions and comments are bold and italicized while Rae's answers are in RED LIKE THISthen at the end, when the font goes back to black it's me again.)
How many siblings do you have?
What is the best (as in prettiest, or whatever) name you've ever heard?
-Oooh, let's see. I've always loved the name Peter for a guy. That's pretty much the only "favourite name" I've had. I also think the name Esther is very pretty. 😉
Why are you so awesome?
No seriously. How did this come to pass? Is this like an inherited thing or can anyone do it?
-What a fine bit of nonsense coming from you!
That's it. That's my answer.
Advice for someone who feels like even amongst friends they are alone?
-I wrote up a long answer for this, and decided it was so long I'd make it into its own blog post. So here's that.
Favourite song at this moment?
-Battle Hymn of the Republic (it's a fun one on the piano, y'all).
Least favourite song at this moment?-Oh, now that's interesting. Hold on, I do have an answer for this. There's this one song that my siblings (or sometimes myself, sadly) will start singing and I'll get annoyed with know what, I think it's Let It Go. I think it's always Let It Go that's the annoying song at our house. Now, I don't really have anything against the song itself, or the words, it's just that it is far too catchy and annoying at this point.
(To anyone for whom this triggered it getting stuck in your head, I apologize.)
If you only had 3 days left to live, what would be the most important things for you to accomplish?
-Question for you: did you expect a serious answer?* I don't feel like taking this one seriously. :p
I would eat all of my very favourite things because I wouldn't have to be worried about the long-term effects on my health. Lots of chocolate.
I'd declare my undying love to the man of my drea--what? What did you say? Oh, he doesn't exist? Dangit. Well. **
*(my answer: not necessarily)
**SO RELATABLE. I mean, seriously, whyyyy can't fictional characters come to liiiifee???? *proceeds to rant and wail miserably*
If you could steal (okay fine HAVE) any fictional character's wardrobe, whose would it be?
-Oh boy. You know what, I think it would be Emily Star's. Yep. Edwardian, and there are some simply divine descriptions of her clothes in the Emily books. (L. M. Montgomery, to those who don't know. What a shock, I know.)
Forest, ocean or mountains which is the best?
-What about forest and mountains? Though if I have to choose, I'll go with forest. I love trees too much.
Favourite piece of jewelry (if you have any)
-Probably these:
I'd declare my undying love to the man of my drea--what? What did you say? Oh, he doesn't exist? Dangit. Well. **
*(my answer: not necessarily)
**SO RELATABLE. I mean, seriously, whyyyy can't fictional characters come to liiiifee???? *proceeds to rant and wail miserably*
If you could steal (okay fine HAVE) any fictional character's wardrobe, whose would it be?
-Oh boy. You know what, I think it would be Emily Star's. Yep. Edwardian, and there are some simply divine descriptions of her clothes in the Emily books. (L. M. Montgomery, to those who don't know. What a shock, I know.)
Forest, ocean or mountains which is the best?
-What about forest and mountains? Though if I have to choose, I'll go with forest. I love trees too much.
Favourite piece of jewelry (if you have any)
-Probably these:
p.s. these are Rae's photos so don't steal them. I do not take kindly to theft. BE WARNED.
Describe your bedroom (hehe a demand, I know, but just pretend it's in question format)
-Oh, you want pics? I took some when I was decorating it, being a new room and all.
(The book is "What Would Jane Do? A book that disappointingly includes movie quotes and attributes them to Jane Austen, a pet peeve of mine. :/)
(I think they're a little blurry. :/)
Favourite type of tea? (if you drink tea)
-Nope, I don't!
What do you put in your tea (again, if you do drink it), milk, sugar, etc.
-See above :D
Favourite instrument
-I play the flute and the piano, but my favourite to listen to might be the harp.
Best instrumental music you ever heard
-Ooooh...That's hard. I love a lot of instrumental music. I might have to go with "The Firebird" by Stravinsky...not sure if that's the kind of answer you were going for, but there it is.
Favourite movie soundtrack
-'Kay, this is, like, realllly weird, but it's the old animated "The Hobbit". The sound track is. Ah. May. Zing.
The rest of the soundtrack
Favourite candle scent
-Ohhh, hmm...I've not thought about it. Probably the vanilla-brown-sugar-y type.
Which is better- straight or curly hair?
-Dependdsss...I like my hair better straight, it's so much easier to manage and it doesn't tangle nearly so bad.
Favourite hair color?
What was your first word?
-Mom says it was "thank you". Didn't know that before, huh.
If you had to read one book for the rest of your life (besides the Bible) what would it be?
-Aaaah, what??? Okay, Pride and Prejudice. Because it's been proven by my best friend that one can read it, like, 15 times in 2 months and not get tired of it. And then read it two more times a month later. Yep.
(Photo cred: me)
Do you know of any songs about siblings?
-There's song that I've heard a couple of times...Hey Brother, by Avicii.
Name a song you want played at your wedding
-Ooh, I don't know... Maybe Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis
Name a song you want played at your funeral *
-Whoa, okay. Um...Lead, Kindly Light?
* I know. I turn from randomly happy to very dark and dreary at random intervals without warning. It's kind of fun and kind of concerning?? *insert happy/confused face here*
Pick a song you wish someone would do a cover of. (who totally won't be me, why would you ever think that??)
-Hmm, a song I want you to do a cover of? I'd love to hear something from the Broadway Cinderella musical.
When is your birthday?
-End of May
Favourite constellation?
-What? Hadn't thought about that either. How about the Little Dipper.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
-Night owl
Name a book you thought would be terrible but was actually good-I don't read books that I think will be terrible. :D *
*hehe good policy.
Name a book you thought would be good and was terrible*
-Hmmmm I really can't think of any.
*ooh lucky you!
Name a book you thought would be good and was terrible*
-Hmmmm I really can't think of any.
*ooh lucky you!
What is a song that always makes you happy?
-El Grillo, by Josquin. :D
What is a song that can make you cry/be really sad? *
-Oh, boy. A lot of the songs from Les Mis.
What is the worst song you have ever heard?
-Ugh, there are a lot of awful songs. Lots of pop songs and (how many people would I offend if I said I really don't like country music? Sorry).
Who is your favourite youtuber?
-Jordan Taylor/Blimey Cow
What is the latest title for a song/story/essay/whatever that you made up? *
-The last thing I wrote...I think it was an essay. I took an English Comp class this summer. Let me look. Okay, the "Saved As" title on Microsoft Word is "Final Exam (!!!)" but the title is "From Passive Agreement to Active Obligation". I'm really bad at coming up with titles; I really don't like it.
*haha that is a great title. Very original adding those exclamation marks.
What is the worst song you have ever heard?
-Ugh, there are a lot of awful songs. Lots of pop songs and (how many people would I offend if I said I really don't like country music? Sorry).
Who is your favourite youtuber?
-Jordan Taylor/Blimey Cow
What is the latest title for a song/story/essay/whatever that you made up? *
-The last thing I wrote...I think it was an essay. I took an English Comp class this summer. Let me look. Okay, the "Saved As" title on Microsoft Word is "Final Exam (!!!)" but the title is "From Passive Agreement to Active Obligation". I'm really bad at coming up with titles; I really don't like it.
*haha that is a great title. Very original adding those exclamation marks.
What is the last book that made you laugh out loud?
-It was one of the "Wide-Awake Princess" books by E. D. Baker. They're fun, easy reads. :D
When you are old, what memory do you want to be the one you tell your grandkids over and over? (example: I want mine to be when I get engaged [if/when that ever happens])
-Oh boy, I don't know. I like your example. That could very well be it.
What fictional character do you think you would be best friends with in real life?
-Okay, the first people that came to mind, I really don't think I'd be best friends with. Like, not Elizabeth Bennet or Anne Shirley. Not Margaret Hale. Not Amy Dorrit. Like, none of them are quite the kind of person I, personally, would be best friends with. I adore them all, but y'know.
Okay, y'know, I think I could actually get on quite well with Molly Gibson.
She needs a good best friend, anyway.
Whew! There we go! Thanks for all the questions, Esther!
The rest of y'all's question answers are coming soon! If you haven't and want to, you can ask questions here. *
The rest of y'all's question answers are coming soon! If you haven't and want to, you can ask questions here. *
*do it or else.
P. S. this is what happens when you are up at past ten and you want a picture for your blog post. You search "little furry bears from star wars"
P.P.S. the announcement I mentioned in the title of this post is as follows: I AM GOING TO BE POSTING MAINLY ADVENTURE ENTRIES UNTIL I CATCH UP WITH THE MODERN TIMES (by which I mean, NOT five months ago) SO YEAH BE WARNED.
p.p.p.s. Note for Rae: it's funny because re-reading your answers I find that I have so many more things to add to my already thousand worded comment....
p.p.p.s. Note for Rae: it's funny because re-reading your answers I find that I have so many more things to add to my already thousand worded comment....
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Entry 17 (hello again)
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